Details of the name, amount and amount of sources of proposed projects for the year 2017-2018
Alangi Union Parishad No 7, Dhunat District; Bogra.
Name of the Scheme Name of Projects Proposed Author Ward No Beneficial Funds
1. Agriculture and Minor Irrigation:
A) Agriculture and Small Irrigation:
Nibi's crop is harvested, the feeding farms,
Bijasarabarra, the traditional forestry, plantation of fruit and vegetable cultivation, water dispensation irrigation system, small flood prevention and small irrigation structures, including plantation in the earliest. 1. Due to drain drain drain on the switch gate from the side of the Bilchapuri Syuir Rahman's house. 2,00,000,200 LGSP 200,000 Wade Committee
2. Setting ring pipe at different places of the road to Rangamati Dhulauri para Afsar Ali's house from Rangamati Shahidar Suatar's house. 50,000 03 500 LGSP 50.000 Wade Committee
3. From the pond of Abdur Karim, from the pond of the village, south of the house of Hameed, due to the road down the road. 1,50,000 04 500 LGSP 1,50,000 Wade Committee
4. Dr. Azizul Huq's house, drain from the Najmul pond, drain drain, 1,50,000 04 500 LGSP, 1,50,000 wad committees
5. Tidy drainage drain drain near the house of drainage drain. 1,00,000 06 00 LGSP
100,000 wade committees
6. From the house of Amir Hossain's house to the house of Hundi, drain drain for drainage of 200,000 0800 LEGSP 200,000 wad committee
7. At 8 pm Wad Ghar para Dhiman's house, drain drain for water treatment. 1,50,000 08 500 ADP 1,50,000 wade committees
Name of the project Name of Project Estimated Ward No Suitable Profits
1. Implementation of vaccination of livestock cattle by the Department of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry. 50,000 1- 9 Local Union LGSP 50,000 Wade Committee
2.1. Training of hail and fish co-ordination in the pond of the farmers of Alangi Union. According to government allocations, 1- 9 Union of Fisheries Department directly through government allocations
3. Bathing of bathing in the pond of the elangi pramanik para mehare pond. 2,00,000 8 200 1% 200,000 PIC
4. Bathing of bathing alcohol in the pond of the pond. 2,00,000 8 200 1% 2,00,00 PIC
1. Van Car Attendance for the poor population of the Lange Union. 1,10,000 1-9 50 LGSP 1,10,000 Wade Committee
2. Computer training for young people and youths. 1,00,000 1-9 35 LGSP 100,000 Wade Committee
3. Providing sewing training to women and supply sewing machines among them. 200,000 1-9 35 LGSP 200,000 Wade Committee
The name of the project is named as the name of the project, and the warehouse no.
2. Background Infrastructure
Transportation and communication
Road nimination, rural past, small bridges, Kalabhas fixing / reconstruction and development. (15% -25%) 1. Road repair to Rashid's house from the house of Mili Principal 1. 150,000 01 300 LGSP 1,50,00 Wade Committee
2. Government schools from Bilchapri High School, Brick Soling for School 1,80,000 01 300 LGSP 1,80,000 Wade Committee
3. Wreaths from the house of Uttam Bilchapuri Rahim to drain of Nazrul's house 100,000 01 400 Upazila Revenue 100,000 PIC
4. Government Pvt from Hashatpolal Acur House; PalaSiding established on two sides of the school pond. 100,000 01 300 Upazila Revenue 100,000 PIC
5. From the house of Shahidul Matterari to Solaiman Road to Abdul Alim's house. 200,000 01 400 ADP 200,000 Tender
6. Suilings and 1,80,000 palaisiding by road brick for the slum house of Gulabpuri Loya Moya at the hill station of Gulistan. 4,00,000 01 400 LGSP 400,000 Wade Committee
7. North Billchapuri Hafiza Maestro's house to the building of Abur Bari, due to the improvement of the soil on the 100,000 400 poor poor 100,000 PIC
8. North Bilchapari and South Bilchapuri, 30,00,000 bridges on canals between 01 1000 and the Directorate of Drug Management, 30,00,000 tender
9. From the North Bilchapari High School, the road is constructed for Shilakdhari. 1,00,00,000 01,000 Honorable Parliament Members 100,000,000 Tender
10. 250,000 01 1000 LGSP 200,000 Wad Committee to set up box Kalabhat on the land of Fakir Pari Farid on the side of Bilchapari Abeli house pond
11. Setting the ring caste on the street of South Bilchapuri Ranjur House, 100,000 300 300 Upazila Revenue 100,000 PIC
12. 150,000 00 300 LGSP 1,50,000 wad committees on both sides of the street from the house of South Bilchapari Dabu Government House to Rezaul Master
Name of the project Name of project name
Procedure to implement projected wage no. Of the proceeds of the proceeds of the proceeds of the total proceeds
2. Background Infrastructure
Transportation and communication
Road nimination, rural past, small bridges, Kalabhas fixing / reconstruction and development. (15% -25%) Palaciiding Verta Soling.13. Place of Pulseiding at the side of the house of Kumar Khali Sohrab and Chan's house. 1,00,000 03 400 ADP 1,00,000 Tender
14. Road brick solaling on the house of Rangamati dust extracted Afsar Ali's house from Rangamati Shahidar Suatar House, 200,000 03 500 LGSP 200,000 Wired Committee
15. Road reform for Hanif's house from Rangamati Jamil Master's house 50,000 03 300 LGSP 5,00,000 Ward Committee
16. Road to the graveyard from the house of Didar Parel Bilal
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS