List of health services
1. Family planning services.
2. Children 0-5 years old child services
3. Services for expectant mothers
4. Maternity services
5. Reproductive Health Services
6. Immunization program
7. General patient care
8. Health education services
Necessary health services are provided to women and men, old and young and children who come to the sub-health center.
* ORS is provided for diarrhea patients.
* Maternity patients coming to the hospital are given necessary advice including antenatal checkup and
Iron tablets are provided.
* Cough collection for the phlegm of tuberculosis patients under the National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Control Programme
and providing free medicine to tuberculosis leprosy patients.
* Children and women are vaccinated under the EPI programme
* Health, nutrition and reproductive health education is imparted to the patients coming to the sub-health center
*Reproductive health and family among adolescents and married couples attending sub-health centers
Planning activities are carried out.
* If necessary, the patient is referred to the upazila hospital
* Incoming patients and their relatives for necessary consultation and advice regarding health care
You can easily contact the associated doctors.
* Necessary number of notice boards are installed in sub-health centers in a visible place.
Necessary information is recorded on the notice board.
* Subject to supply, medicines are provided free of cost from the service center. But for medical needs
Some medications may need to be purchased by the recipient from outside the center.
* List of drugs stocked on board, list of services provided, list of doctors providing services
is pulled
* Authority of service recipient-
Service providers have the right to receive courteous treatment from service recipients
Universal health care, sometimes referred to as universal health coverage with universal coverage, or universal care, is generally a health care system that provides health care and financial protection for all citizens of a country. It is organized with the ultimate goal of creating financial benefits, better health benefits and better health for all members of a society with specific recommendations[2]. Universal health care is not the same system for the benefit of all or implicitly for the protection of all. Universal health care can be defined by three critical dimensions: who is covered, what benefits are covered, and what costs are covered[2]. It is defined by the World Health Organization as a situation where citizens can access health benefits without being free from financial hardship[3].
Health is of central importance in policy frameworks. Thus, it is essential to recognize "healthy public policy" (health in all policies) as the highest policy framework for the development of global health systems, which includes public health, primary health care, and civil services across the spectrum of health and health-related services from primary care to long-term care and terminal care. Condition requires inclusion. Although this perspective is both reasonable and well-founded in socioecological ideals, the reality in most cases is different, and there is always room for sublimation[4].
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS