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At a glance Land Info

No. 7 Elangi Union Land Information

Land information

1. What is Khatian?

The land record prepared during the survey containing the details of the land holdings of one or more individual landowners based on Mauza is called Khatian.

2. What is C, S record?

C,S stands for Cadastral Survey. In our country, the first district-wise map and land records prepared are called CS records.

3. What is SA Khatian? The Khatian prepared by the government after the promulgation of Zamindari Acquisition and Tenancy Act in 1950 is called SA Khatian.

4. What is Namzari?

When someone becomes the new owner of a land through inheritance or purchase or any other process, the process of registering the name is called Namjari.

5. What is deposit rejection?

Jamakhariz means dividing the joint deposit and creating a new account separately. Due to the transfer or distribution of any land in Prajarcon Jot, new holding or Khatian opening with some land from the original Khatian is called Jama Hariz.

6. What is paper?

The copy of Khasra Khatian prepared at the time of land survey which is distributed to the land owner before Tasdik or attestation is called field paper. A copy of the certificate after being certified or attested by the Revenue Officer and published in a certificate at the end of hearing of objections and appeals is called certificate.

7. What is the schedule?

Schedule means introductory detailed description of land. To identify a land, the description containing the relevant information such as the name of the mauzha, khatian no, dag no, boundary of the land, amount of land etc. is called schedule.

8. What is mouza?

During the cadastral survey, each police station area is divided into several units and each unit is marked with a serial number and surveyed. Each such unit of Thana area is called Mauza. A Mauza is made up of one or more villages or parishes.

What is the fare?

The land tax collected by the government from the citizens on an annual basis for the use of land is called land tax.

What is waqf?

According to Islamic law, a property donated by a Muslim land owner for the purpose of bearing the expenses of religious and social welfare institutions is called waqf.

What is Motwalli?

The person who manages and oversees the waqf property is the motwalli. The motwalli cannot transfer the waqf property without the permission of the waqf administrator.

What is heir?

Warish means heir under religious law. If a person dies without making a will, the person or persons who, according to the provisions of law, among his wife, children or near relatives, become the owners of the property left by him are called heirs.

What is Faraize?

The rules and process of distributing the property of a deceased person according to Islamic law is called Faraiz.

What is Khas land?

The land under the Ministry of Lands which is supervised by the Collector on behalf of the Government is called Khas Zamin.

What is acceptance?

Acceptance of the government's proposal to settle the land to the farmer is the acceptance of the letter of intent to pay the rent.

What is the spot number?

In the Mauza, the land of each land owner is shown separately on the ground with boundary poles or aisles to identify each plot separately based on the land category. In the Mauza map, each plot of land is given a serial number to mark or identify the land.

What is the running mark?

At the initial stage of land survey, during the preparation or revision of the map, the serial number that is accidentally omitted while giving the serial number of each plot of land or the serial number that has to be omitted due to the merging of two land parcels after the initial stage is called chute dag.

What is Chandina VT?

The non-agricultural community property area of the permanent or temporary shop section of the haat market is called Chandina Vt.

What is preemption?

Preemption means the provision of legal priority over other buyers in the purchase of property. If an agricultural land owner or partner transfers his share or land to a stranger through sale, the legal right to purchase the land through the court by submitting an additional 10% of the price specified in the deed by the other partner or submitting it to the court within 4 months of being notified is called preemption.

What is Amen?

In land survey, the employee who prepares maps and maps and engages in land survey work was called Amin.

What is Sikasti?

Dissolving land into water in river erosion is called sikasti. If the sikasti land is vested within 30 years, the person who owned the land before the sikasti or his heirs will acquire the ownership of the said land subject to conditions.

What is Payasti?

The creation of land by silt from the river bed is called Payasti.

What is null land?

Plain 2 or 3 crop arable land is called null land.

What is God's property?

Land dedicated to defray the cost of organizing, managing and maintaining Hindu religious ceremonies is called devotar property.

What is submission?

Land tax is collected from the land owner and the land tax collection certificate or receipt is given in the specified form (Form No-1077) is called Dakhila.

D, C, and what?

Receipt in prescribed form (Form No-222) after collection of government dues other than land tax is called DCR.

What is the document?

Any written statement that is admissible as evidence in a future court is called a document. However, according to the provisions of the Registration Act, the contract executed and registered by the land buyer and seller to transfer the property is generally called a deed.

What is Kistwar?

After preparing the quadrilaterals and morabbas during the land survey, implement the method of map preparation by running the chain on the sikmi line and accurately drawing the actual topographical map of the land.