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What is UDC (Union Digital Center) and why?

Union Digital Center (UDC) is a state-of-the-art information and knowledge center (telecentre) set up in the Union Parishad, which aims to ensure information services at the doorsteps of grassroots people. From this center, people of rural towns can easily get life and livelihood-based information and essential services in a familiar environment near their home.
On November 7, the Hon'ble Prime Minister from her office and the administrator of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and former Prime Minister of New Zealand, Miss Helen Clark, united with UDC Digital Center (UDCD) at all Union Councils across the country through a video conference from Charkukurimukri Union in Bhola District. About 100,000 people are receiving information and services from these centers every month. The Union Digital Center has started to make huge positive changes in the quality of life of the local people through easy, fast and low cost government and private services.

The launch of the Union Digital Center began with the slogan 'Service at Doorsteps of the People'. With the establishment of the Union Digital Center, it has been possible to create a free flow of information in every area of ​​society and state, where people are no longer having to go door to door for service, but service is reaching people's doorsteps. Free flow of information is one of the prerequisites for empowering people. Establishment of Union Digital Centers in the 8 Union Parishads of the country has paved the way for access to information and services at the fastest time, including participation in the flow of free information to the rural people.


A union digital center has multiple computers and related equipment, which has been set up and is being staged, to ensure advanced information services for the general public of the area. The essential materials of the UDC come from the investment of the entrepreneur and the funding of the Union Parishad (Revenue Sector OLGSP-2 project). It is possible to initiate the operation of a UDC with a computer with a minimal stabilizer, a white printer, a color printer, a modem for on-line connection, a scanner, a digital camera. However, following UDC management requires the following materials -

Multiple computers (desktops and laptops)
4 multimedia projectors with big screens
1 color printer
3 modems
3 scanner machines
3 photocopying machines
4 digital cameras
1 webcam
Depending on the local demand, a union may have more or less the same as a digital center.

Union Digital Center has been established based on the PPPP (Public-Private-People's Partnership) model. Each UDC has two local youth entrepreneurs, one male and one female. These entrepreneurs are managed by UDC. In some centers, one woman and one male entrepreneur, plus one more woman and man, are working as 'alternative entrepreneurs'. The entrepreneur is not a paid employee of UDC, the income of each UDC is the income of the entrepreneur. Entrepreneur is also an investor in UDC.

Partnership or partnership:

Union Digital Center is being run by the local government department. Under the direction of the Cabinet Division and the management of the local administration, other activities including the supervision of the UDC were conducted. The LGD and Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) come from UDC's ICT equipment and training to enhance entrepreneurial skills. The BCC also supplied solar panels to five powerless unions. In addition, Bangladesh Climate Change Trust and Prime Minister's Office's AUTI (Access to Information) program provided uninterrupted electricity to all UDCs in the country by providing solar panels at all the union digital centers across the country. Beyond this, many banks, insurance companies, mobile companies, NGOs, educational research institutes, hardware-software associations, etc. are joining UDC with technical support and technical assistance.

Digital Center Management System:

To help UDC entrepreneurs earn income and follow-up with local administration, an online software called UDC Activity Management or 'Digital Center Management System' http://uddokta.eksheba.gov.bd/ has been created. UDC entrepreneurs upload their daily income information, their grievances and opinions here.

Gurup Digital Center, Bangladesh

Created by Digital Interaction, Bangladesh Group is a powerful online platform for 5,2 UDC entrepreneurs spread across the country, where entrepreneurs interact, interact and interact with entrepreneurs in local administration. Entrepreneurs need to share experiences, identify problems and find solutions, There is an opportunity to take initiatives together, work side-by-side with the local administration, and even discuss with policy makers if needed.