In the discussion on the issue of 2, the President said that the implementation of the project implementation committee from every union is required to implement the PIC under 2016-2017 fiscal year's Annual Development Program (ADP). I request Makar to present important comments about this matter.
In view of President's remarks, the members and members of the meeting present a detailed discussion on the matter. Then the decision to form the following written projects and project implementation committee was taken in accordance with all the consent.
In the discussion on the issue of 2, the President said that the implementation of the project implementation committee from every union is required to implement the PIC under 2016-2017 fiscal year's Annual Development Program (ADP). I request Makar to present important comments about this matter.
In view of President's remarks, the members and members of the meeting present a detailed discussion on the matter. Then the decision to form the following written projects and project implementation committee was taken in accordance with all the consent.
Project Name: - Palaisiding and filling the soil on the west side of the Alangi Bazar on the south side of the Khokar pond on the south side of Alangi Bazar pond and fill the soil. Allocated = 2,00,000 / -
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS